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Health & Wellness

The Paradigm Shift

By August 4, 2021No Comments
paradigm shift

I remember being on a five day intensive spiritual course 7 years ago and feeling a little out of my depth. Everyone was using words and having deep conversations about paradigms, dimensions and conscious shifts. I knew what the words meant but couldn’t quite wrap my head around the context of it all. Fast forward to present day and I am all over the deep conversations and fancy spiritual lingo.

I’ve never been the spiritual girl that is dressed in white and refusing all the good things in life pertaining purity and bliss. Life is about balance, living a spiritual life is being able to hold a level of consciousness whilst sipping a glass of wine or having a crazy dance to house music with your besties in the kitchen or actually doing both!

Perhaps the word I am looking for is harmony, harmony and alignment. When we are in alignment with ourselves harmony naturally follows. We are able to stand in our power and see the acts of others and global situations without it affecting our harmony. If we do become affected by another’s persons behaviour or actions then I invite you to look within. The affected actions of others is literally like holding a mirror to the depths of our souls, our own personas. This is not always an easy process to witness or even be a part of, allowing yourself to go into the process will bring about transcendence and transcendence is simply a process of transformation that will bring you into alignment. Alignment of what….? Alignment of your true self, of harmony, of acceptance of your higher self, of your divine energy.

So if we rewind back to the beginning of this post, to the paradigm shift, over the last year all of humanity has been upgraded in their light frequencies. These increased light frequencies are enabling the paradigm shift, a change in patterns of thinking and behaviours, allowing us all to step into alignment. With all this high vibrational energy we simply cannot hold onto the old paradigm way of being on a individual and collective level.

Recently I have been seeing this pattern in my clients but on a deeper level. My role as an sound/energy healer is to transform unhealthy patterns of the mental and emotional that create the physical reality. Clients are hitting the very core of their patterns which is enabling them to step fully into alignment of the new light frequencies.

Each time we individually transform, we collectively empower and take another step into the new paradigm. What is the new paradigm? For me, I see the new paradigm where we all stand in our own power, equally. One no power resides or demeanours another. Imagine a way of being that is just so, take the time to wonder how life can be, each human able to fully express their needs without detriment with an enhanced level of harmony throughout the whole of humanity, take time to wonder how this way of being will affect poverty, environmental issues, mental health, abuse, the list is endless. The true power is within you, your dreams and wonderment of what our world can be.